For authors

Guidelines for submitting articles to the


The “Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan” (ISSN 1813-1107, eISSN 2710-1185) is issued by A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences JSC four times a year, and publishes works on a wide range of fundamental, applied and innovative research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.

The publication is carried out in the following languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. The Journal is indexed by the Kazakhstan bibliometric system, and included in the List of publications, recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific activity.

The publication has the following headings:

  1. Review articles up to 20 printed pages;
  2. Original articles (up to 8-10 printed pages);
  3. Abstracts (up to 4-5 printed pages).



The editors accept articles from the Kazakhstani and foreign authors.

Taking into account the requirements of the Scopus Advisory Board (CSAB) and the Clarivate Analytics Expert Board on the internationalization of the authors and audience, it is recommended to submit articles in co-authorship with the scientists from the near and far abroad. In order to popularize the Journal, the Editorial Board welcomes the acceptance of articles in English. Priority in the publication of articles in the Journal will be given to the articles in English.

For the registration and publication of an article, its material should be submitted to the Editorial Office through the electronic article submission system on the Journal website  (, together with the following documents:

  • An electronic version of an article in the Word (RTF) and PDF formats with Tables, diagrams, figures embedded in the text (the file should be named by the surname of the first author in English).
  • A cover letter addressed to the Editorial Board of the “Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan” from the organization in which this study has been carried out, stating that the manuscript material has not been published anywhere, is not under consideration for the publication in other journals, and there is no confidential information in the article materials. In the cover letter, the information about the author for correspondence should be indicated: full name of the author, business address with the postal code, e-mail address, phone number and ORCID ID.
  • All articles, published in the “Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan” (ISSN 1813-1107, eISSN 2710-1185) is released to the public. An editing charge is collected for ensuring free access to the readers and covering the costs of the peer review, editing, maintenance of the Journal website, long-term archiving and maintenance of the Journal issuance. The rules of payment for the publication of an article, accepted for publication, are contained in a separate document on the Journal website, entitled the “Payment for the Publication”.
  • The article is assigned a registration number, which is communicated to the authors within a week after receiving the specified list of the documents. This number should be referred to in correspondence.
  • The articles, accepted for the publication, are assigned a digital identifier (Digital Object Identifier - DOI).
  • Coming from the impossibility of submitting articles in Kazakh through the anti-plagiarism system, the authors submitting articles in Kazakh should also submit the text in Russian.
  • The articles should be formatted according to the template, which can be downloaded in the “Submission of the Materials” section on the website of the “Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan.”



3.1. The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) number, corresponding to the stated theme, is indicated at the beginning of the reviews, original articles and abstracts, on the first line, in capital letters in the upper left corner. Also, on the first line on the right, the name of the Journal, the CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF KAZAKHSTAN (KAZAKSTANYK CHEMISTRY JOURNALY, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF KAZAKHSTAN), year, number are indicated in capital letters, in bold type, in font No. 14.

3.2. The international standard serial number of the Journal (ISSN 1813-1107, eISSN 2710-1185) is indicated over the next line, and the DOI, which will be relevant after the article is accepted for the publication, is indicated on the next line on the left.

3.3. Further, after the line indentation, the title of the article is indicated in capital letters, in bold type, in font No. 14, with the centered text alignment. The title should describe the content of the article as fully and accurately as possible, and include the keywords reflecting the direction and/or main result of the study, but at the same time it should be short and clear, without abbreviations.

3.4. Starting from issues 3 of the Journal in 2022, all articles shall begin with an English-language block, Literature and References at the end.

Next - full name, title, place of work, E-mail: abstract (the number of words in 3 languages ​​should be approximately equal), keywords in Kazakh or Russian - depending on the language of the article.

Example articles in Kazakh and Russian:


Zhussipbekov U.Zh.1, Nurgaliyeva G.O.1*, Baiakhmetova Z.K.1, Aizvert L.G.2

1 A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences JSC, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2 Scientific and Practical Center of Sanitary - Epidemiological examination and Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty, Kazakhstan


Introduction. Pollution by oil has a negative effect on chemical, physical, agrophysical, agrochemical and biological properties of soils. Sorption methods of cleaning the soil with the help of humic preparations from oil pollution are of great importance. The purpose of this work is to study the composition and properties of the contaminated and neutralized soil, the determination of the toxicity indexes of all components of oil waste, the calculation of the hazard class of waste according to their toxic-ecological parameters. Methodology. Samples of the contaminated and neutralized soil were treated with the use of humate-based energy-accumulating substances. The metal content in the contaminated soil was determined by spectrometry, using an AA 240 instrument, using the method of decomposing the sample with a mixture of nitric, hydrofluoric and perchloric acids until the sample was completely opened.   Results and discussion. The fractional composition of oil products of all samples is stable: the content of complex acetylene hydrocarbons is ~ 70.0% of the total mass of oil products, the content of resins and paraffin-naphthenic group of hydrocarbons is 27.3%, the content of bitumens is 2.6%. In the neutralized soil, paraffin-naphthenic fractions, resins, bitumens and asphaltenes are mainly found; complex acetylene hydrocarbons are not present. Conclusion. It has been established that the contaminated soil belongs to the substances of the hazard class 3. The neutralized soil became less toxic and according to the total toxicity index, it was classified as hazard class 4 (low hazard). The neutralized soil can be used as construction and road materials, at the improvement of boreholes and at land reclamation.

Key words: oil, contaminated soil, neutralized soil, humate-based energy storage substance, toxicity, radioactivity, hazard class.

Information about the authors in English.

3.5 Further - an article in Kazakh or Russian.

3.6. At the end of the article – the Information about the authors in 2 languages.

3.7. References(Literature) in the language of the article, i.e. in Kazakh and Russian.

3.8. References (transliteration in latin).


  1. Evdokimova G.A., Gershenkop A.Sh., Mozgova N.P., Myazin V.A., Fokina N.V. Soils and waste water purification from oil products using combined methods under the Northconditions. Environ. Sci., 2012, 47, No.12, 1733–1738.
  2. Badrul I. Petroleum sludge, its treatment and disposal: a review. J. Chem. Sci., 2015, 13, No. 4, 1584–1602. (accessed on 2 April 2022).
  3. Krzhizh L., Reznik D. Technology of cleaning the geological environment from oil pollution. Jekologi j aproizvodstva, 2007, No.10,54. (In Russ.). on 2 April 2022).
  4. Nocentini M., Pinelli D., Fava F. Bioremediation of soil contaminated byhydrocarbon mixtures: the residual concentration problem. Chemosphere, 2000, No. 41, 1115–1123,
  5. S., PeralbaM.C.R., Camargo F.A.O., Bento F.M. Comparison of bioremediation strategies for soil impacted with petrochemical oily sludge. Inter. Biodeterior. & Biodegrad., 2014, 95, No. 3, 38–345.
  6. Zemnuhova L.A., Shkorina E.D., Filippova I.A. The study of the sorption properties of rice huskand buckwheat in relation to petroleum products. Himija rastitel'nogo syr'ja, 2005, No.2, 51. (In Russ.). (accessed on 2 April 2022).
  7. Mokrousova M.A., Glushankova I.S. Remediation of drill cuttings and oil-contaminated soil susinghumic preparations. Transport. Transportnye Sooruzhenija. Jekologija, 2015, No.2, 57–72. (In Russ.). (accessed on 2 April 2022).
  8. Teas Ch., Kalligeros S., Zanikos F., Stournas S. Investigation of the effectiveness ofabsorbentmaterialsinoilspillcleanup. Desalination, 2001, No.140, 259–264. (accessed on 2 April 2022).
  9. Ivanov A.A., Yudina N.V., Maltseva Ye.V., Matis E. Ya. Investigation of the biostimulating and detoxifying properties of humic acids of different origin under conditions ofoil-contaminated soil. Himija rastitel'nogo syr'ja, 2007, No.1, 99–103. (In Russ.). (accessed on 2 April 2022).
  10. Dzhussipbekov U.Zh., Nurgaliyeva G.O., Kuttumbetov M.A., Zhumassil Ye., Duissenbaj D., Suleimenova O.Ya. Pilot-industrial tests of the processing of foil-contaminated soil. J. Kaz., 2015, No. 3, 234–240. on April 2022).
  11. Patent RU 2486166. Sposob obezvrezhivanija neftezagrjaznennyh gruntov, sposob obezvrezhivanija ot rabotannyhburovyh shlamov [The method of disposal of oil-contaminateds oils, the method of disposal of waste drill cuttings]. Kumi V.V., 2013. (accessed on 2 April 2022).
  12. Kozlova E.N., Stepanov A.L., Lyssak L.V. The influence of bacterial-humus preparations on the biological activity of soils polluted with oil products and heavy metals. Eurasian Soil Sc., 2015, 48, 400–409.

3.9. Explanation for submitting - the initials and surnames of the author (s) are indicated in lowercase letters, in bold type, in font No. 12, italic, with the centered text alignment. The surname of the author, with whom it is necessary to correspond, should be marked with an asterisk (*): C.C. Satayeva*, A.M. Dzhubanaliyeva.


3.10. Over the next line, the name (s) of the organization (s) should be specified, indicating the part of the organization name, which refers to the legal entity concept (in the English text it is necessary to indicate the officially accepted translation of the name), city, country in lowercase, in italics, in font No. 12, with the centered text alignment. In the English version, the address information should be presented in English, including the city ​​and country.

The lines with the names of the authors and the names of organizations contain superscripts (after the surname and before the organization name) indicating the authors’ place of work.

An email address for the correspondence is indicated on the next line, in italics, in font No. 12, with text alignment in the center.   

3.11. An Abstract (Тйіндеме, Резюме) consists of a short text (at least 250 words, in font No. 12) in the language in which the article is written. The Abstract is published in international databases, separately from the main text. The Abstract should be self-contained, all introduced designations and abbreviations should be deciphered therein.


A structured Abstract, repeating the structure of the article, including: introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results and discussion, conclusion (conclusions), is welcome. At the same time, goals and objectives are described if they are not clear from the title of the article, methods should be described if they are new. The Abstract includes the new results of long-term significance, important discoveries, which refute the existing theories, and the data of practical importance. It is required to use the technical (special) terminology of your discipline.

The Abstract should not contain compound numbers, experimental data, and references to the literature. There is only one Abstract - at the beginning of the text.

3.12. Further, over the line, the keywords are provided in the language in which the article is written, without a paragraph indentation, in lowercase letters, in font No. 12, without a point at the end of enumeration, with the left text alignment (from 5 to 10 words), ensuring the most complete disclosure of the article content.

3.13. The short communications contain a summary, key words, but no division into sections is not required. The text of an Abstract is provided in one of three languages, complying with the requirements to UDC, the title of the article, the list of the authors, the names of the organizations in which they work, and the author's name for correspondence. The text of the short communications contains the particular, essentially new results, which require the priority registration with the necessary experimental details. Then the information on funding, acknowledgments, information on the conflict of interests, information about the authors, reference list.

3.14. The article begins with an introduction, which formulates the purpose and necessity of the study, briefly highlights the state of the issue with the references to the most significant publications, avoiding the references to the outdated results. The discoveries made in the course of the research are presented. The structure of the article is specified.

3.15. The experimental part contains a description of the course and results of the experiment, characteristics of the obtained compounds. At the beginning of the experimental part, the names of the devices, on which the physicochemical characteristics of substances are recorded, are provided, and the measurement conditions are indicated; there are also indicated either the sources of the used non-trivial reagents (for example, “commercial preparations, company name”), or the references are made to the methods for their preparation.

Each paragraph of the experimental part, describing the preparation of a particular compound, should contain its full name according to the IUPAC nomenclature and its serial number in the article. The methods should obligatorily contain the indication of the amounts of reagents in molar and mass units (for catalysts - mass and mole percentages), volumes of solvents. The experimental technique is presented in the past tense.

For the known substances, synthesized by a previously published method, reference should be made to the literature data. For the known substances, obtained by the new or modified methods, their physical and spectral characteristics used to confirm the identity of the structure, the method of synthesis and reference to the literature data should be presented.

For all compounds, synthesized for the first time, it is necessary to provide the evidence of the structure, attributed to them, and the data, which make it possible to judge of their individuality and degree of purity. In particular, the data of elemental analysis or the High Resolution Mass Spectra, IR spectra and 1H and 13C NMR spectra should be provided.

The data of an X-ray structural analysis are presented in the form of Figures and Tables. All new compounds, whose X-ray diffraction data are presented in the article, should be registered in the Cambridge Structural Database and have the corresponding CCDC numbers.

If, in the opinion of a reviewer or editor, the new compounds have not been satisfactorily characterized, the article will not be accepted for publication. 

An example of methodolody: 3-(2-Amino-6-methylpyridino)-3-carbonyl-3,4-dihydrocoumarin (12). To the alcoholic solution of 2.18 g (0.01 mol) of 3-carbethoxycoumarin, 1.08 g (0.01 mol) of 2-amino-6-methylpyridine was added with stirring. The mixture was boiled for 10 h. The solution was cooled, the precipitate was filtered. Then it was washed with cold EtOH. After the drying and recrystallization of the residue from i-PrOH, the yield of the product 12 was 2.05 g (63%), mp 226–228°C, Rf 0.82 (1/2, EtOAc/hexane as eluent). Calculated, %: C 68.56; H 4.32; N 9.99 for C16H12N2O3. Found, %: C 68.41; H 4.22; N 9.83. Spectral data.

Attention! In the articles, devoted to the synthesis of new compounds, it is allowed to place the Experimental part after the section Results and discussion.

3.16. In the section Results and discussion, which is the most important one, it is required to discuss and explain the obtained work results, analyze the synthesis peculiarities, demonstrate and indicate the possible limitations, compare the obtained results with those published earlier. All new compounds should be fully characterized by the appropriate spectral and other physicochemical data. The text summarizes and explains only those spectral data, which are used to confirm the structure of the obtained compounds. Enumeration of the same data in the text, Tables and Figures is not allowed. For the new synthetic methods, it is desirable to discuss the reaction mechanism. Understandable Figures and Tables should be used to summarize the data. The provided data should be interpretable.

When discussing the results, the official IUPAC terminology should be used. It is recommended to present the results in the past tense.

The discussion should not repeat the description of the study results. The abbreviations, generally accepted in the scientific literature, should be used in the text. The non-standard abbreviations should be deciphered after their first appearance in the text. The units of measurement should be specified in the International System of Unit.

3.17. Further, it is recommended to formulate a conclusion in which to specify the main achievements, presented in the article, and the basic premise, containing an answer to the question, posed in the introductory part of the article, as well as the possibility of using the article material in the fundamental or applied research.

3.18. The information on funding the research should be provided with a paragraph indentation.

3.19. The acknowledgment to those, who assisted you in the preparation of your work, should be provided with a paragraph indentation.

3.20. It should be stated with a paragraph indentation, if there is a conflict of interest and what kind of a conflict it is:

Funding: The work has been carried out at A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences JSC under the program of targeted financing of the scientific research for 2021‒2023, implemented by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, under the program BR10965255.

Acknowledgment: The authors express their gratitude to the staff of the Laboratory of Physicochemical Methods of Analysis and Ecology for carrying out the necessary analyses.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest between the authors, requiring disclosure in this article.

3.21. Without a paragraph indentation, a line is provided in bold type: Information about the authors in 3 languages. On the next line with a paragraph indention the following is provided: the full name of the author, academic degree, title, position, e-mail, ORCID ID.

Information about the authors:

Dzhussipbekov Umirzak Zhumassilovich – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; e-mail:; ORCID ID:

Chernyakova Raissa Mikhailovna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; e-mail:; ORCID ID:

Авторлар туралы мєлімет:

Информация об авторах:

3.21. The article ends with a Reference list with the references in Russian (or Kazakh) and in the original language. The references to the literature sources in the text are provided, using the ordinal Arabic numerals in square brackets as they are mentioned. Each reference should contain only one literature citation. The reference list should be represented by the most recent and relevant sources without excessive self-citation. For articles, a list of at least 10 references with the Internet links is desirable.

The Reference list is drawn up in accordance with the below examples of bibliographic descriptions (4.8.).

3.22. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered.


4.1. The volume of the article, including an Abstract and a reference list: up to 8‒10 pages. The review articles can be up to 20 pages. The article should be printed on one side of A4 sheet in Times New Roman font, size 14 pt; line spacing - single and margins: top - 2.0 cm, bottom - 2.0 cm, left - 3.0 cm, right - 1.5 cm; hyphenation is not allowed; paragraph indentation - 1.0 cm; formatting - by width. It is required to use the Microsoft Word text editor for Windows, in the form of a doc file, version 7.0 and later versions.

For brevity and clarity of discussion, the compounds mentioned more than once should be numbered with Arabic numerals combined with the lowercase Latin letters (to denote compounds with a variable substituent). When mentioning the full name of the compound, the cipher is given in brackets.

The stereochemical symbols and prefixes, characterizing the structural features or position of a substituent in a molecule should be typed in italics: (R)-enantiomer, tert-butyl, para-xylene. Instead of the cumbersome names of inorganic and frequently used organic compounds, their formulas should be given: NaBr, TsOH instead of sodium bromide and toluenesulfonic acid. When using terms and symbols, which are not widely used in the literature, their meanings are explained in the text at the first use: for example, polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

To display the structural formulas of the chemical compounds, it is required to use the ChemDrawUltra editor of chemical formulas. All inscriptions on the diagrams should be in English. All reaction conditions should be indicated in the scheme: above the arrow – the reagents, catalysts, solvents, under the arrow – the temperature, time, yield. If the reaction conditions heavily load the scheme, they can be transferred to the end of the scheme, deciphering with the letter indices, for example, i: HCl, H2O, 80°C, 5h. The same letter index should be indicated above the corresponding reaction arrow. 

4.2. Equations, diagrams, tables, figures and references to the literature are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text and should be inserted into the text of the article after the first mention. The Tables and Figures should be accompanied by a caption; headings to the schemes should be provided if necessary.

4.3. If possible, the drawings should be prepared with the help of a computer. The curves of the same type should be drawn on the same scale in the same Figure. The curves in the Figures are numbered with Arabic numerals, which are deciphered in the captions to the Figures. For all drawings, graphic files should be submitted in the jpeg format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The inscriptions in the Figures should be in English and, if possible, replaced by numbers, the decoding of which is given in the Figure caption.

Single straight lines, as a rule, are not given, but replaced by the regression line equation. The intersection of the coordinate axes should be placed in the left corner of the Figure, the arrows at the ends of the axes are not placed, the lines limiting the Figure field are not provided, the coordinate scale is not applied. Uninformative drawings, spectra not discussed in the article, voltammograms and other dependences are not published. The spectra drawings should not be done by hand. All drawings should be numbered in Arabic numerals (if there is more than one drawing). The word “Figure” and the name are placed after the descriptive information and arranged as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device.

4.4. Each Table should have a thematic heading and an ordinal Arabic number (without the number sign No.), which is referenced in the text (Table 1). The name of the Table is located above the Table on the left without a paragraph indentation in one line with its number through a dash without a dot after the name. The columns in the Table should have brief headings, reflecting the parameters, whose numerical values ​​are given in the Table; they are written in the nominative case, in the singular with a capital letter, and are accompanied by the corresponding units of measurement (in the abbreviated form), separated by commas. The Figures or structural formulas in columns of the Tables are not allowed. Gaps in the columns in the absence of the data are indicated by three dots, in the absence of a phenomenon - by a dash.

The notes to Tables are indexed with the Arabic numerals and placed within the Table borders under the Table material. The word “Note” should be capitalized from a new paragraph. If there is only one note, a dash is placed after the word “Note” and the note is printed with a capital letter. Several notes are numbered in order in the Arabic numerals without a dot and printed from a new paragraph. The same font as in the text of the article is used in the Tables; a reduced font (at least Times New Roman No. 10) is allowed.

4.5. When choosing the units of measurement, it is recommended to adhere to the SI system: g, mg, m, cm, micron (micrometer, micron); nm (nanometer, millimicron); pm (picometer); Å (angstrom); c (second); min, h (hour), Hz (hertz); MHz (megahertz); E (oersted); Gs (gauss); V (volt); eV (electronvolt); A (ampere); Ohm, Pa (pascal); MPa (megapascal); hPa (hectopascal); J (joule); K (kelvin), °C (degree Celsius); D (Debye).

In decimal fractions, the integer part is separated from the fractional part not by a comma, but by a dot.

The following abbreviations are used: bp. and so on. (boiling and melting points) - in front of the numbers; conc. (concentrated, before the compound formula; M is the molecular weight); mole, cal, kcal, n. (normal), M. (molar); the concentration of the solutions is indicated (g/cm3, g/l, mol/l).

For all compounds, synthesized for the first time, the elemental analysis data or High Resolution Mass Spectra are required.

In the gross formulas, the elements are arranged in the following order: C, H and further according to the Latin alphabet. The formulas of the molecular compounds and onium salts are given through a dot (for example, C5H5N.HCl). An example of recording the constants and elemental analysis data: bp. 78°C (100 mmHg), m.p. 50°C (EtOH), d4200.9809, n201.5256; Found, %: C 59.06; H 7.05; I 21.00; N 8.01. CaHbIcNdOe. Calculated, %: C 59.02; H 7.01; I 21.20; N 8.22.  

IR and UV spectra. In the Experimental part for the IR and UV spectra, the characteristic band frequencies, absorption maxima wavelengths, extinction coefficients (or their logarithms) and the conditions under which the spectrum is recorded, should be indicated.

The examples of recording: IR spectrum (thin layer), ν, cm-1: 1650 (C=N), 3200–3440 (O–H). UV spectrum (EtOH), λmax, nm (logε): 242 (4.55), 380 (4.22).

The 1H and 13С NMR spectra. The operating frequency of the instrument, the used standard and diluent should be indicated. The protons in the complex groups, to which the signal is assigned, should be underlined below – 3.17–3.55 (4Н, m, N(CH2CH3)2); for the position of substituents, the notation 3-CH3 should be used; for the position of atoms - C-3, N-4, etc. If any signal in the spectrum is described as a doublet, triplet or doublet of doublets, etc. (rather than a singlet or multiplet), the corresponding Spin-spin coupling constants should be provided. If additional studies are carried out to establish the structure or spatial interactions of the atoms, the used two-dimensional methods should be indicated. In the description of the 13C NMR spectra, the assignment of a specific signal to a specific carbon atom is provided only when the determination has been made on the basis of the two-dimensional experiments.

The examples of recording:

1Н NMR spectrum (400 MHz, CDCl3), δ, ppm (J, Hz): 0.97 (3Н, t, J = 7.0, CH3); 3.91 (2H, k,

J = 7.0, COOCH2); 4.46 (2H, d, J = 6.1, NCH2); 7.10–7.55 (6H, m, H-6.7.8, NHCH2C6H5); 7.80 (1H, s, HAr); 7.97 (1H, s, H-5'); 8.13 (1H, d.d, J = 8.2, J = 2.3, H-5); 11.13 (1H, s, NH).


13C NMR spectrum (100 MHz, DMSO-d6), δ, ppm (J, Hz): 36.3 (CH2CH3); 48.5(C-5); 62.3

(CH2CH3); 123.0(CAr); 125.8 (d, 2JCF = 26.1, C-3',5'Ar); 128.9 (CPh); 134.4(C-5a); 168.3 (C=O).

The mass spectra are provided as m/z numerical values and relative values of the ion current. It is required to indicate the method and energy of ionization, the mass numbers of characteristic ions, their intensity with respect to the main ion, and, if possible, their genesis. In the case of chemical ionization, it is required to indicate the reagent gas when describing the instrument. In the High-Resolution Mass Spectra, the found and calculated m/z values ​​should be provided with four decimal digits; if the found m/z value corresponds to a non-molecular ion, the empirical formula and the calculated m/z value should be also presented for the same ion. 

Example of recording the mass spectrum data: Mass spectrum (EU, 70 eV), m/z (Irel, %): 386 [M]+ (36), 368 [M–H2O]+ (100), 353 [M– H2O–CH3]+ (23).

Mass spectrum (CI, 200 eV), m/z (Irel, %): 387 [M+H]+ (100), 369 [M+H–H2O]+ (23).

An example of the High Resolution Mass Spectrum data recording:

Found, m/z: 282.1819 [M+Na]+. C17H25NNaO.

Calculated, m/z: 282.1828.

4.6. The X-ray diffraction data should be provided in the form of a pattern of a molecule with the numbered atoms, for example, C(1), N(3) (if possible, in the representation of the atoms of ellipso- and dami-thermal vibrations). The complete crystallographic data, Tables of atomic coordinates, bond lengths and bond angles, temperature factors are not published in the Journal, but are deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (the registration number of the depositor is indicated in the article).

4.7. According to the requirements of the Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, Springer Nature international databases, when evaluating the publications in the languages ​​other than English, the bibliographic lists should be provided not only in the original language, but also in Latin characters (the Latin alphabet). Therefore, the authors of articles, submitted in Russian and Kazakh, should provide a list of references in two versions: one in the original language (Список литературы) and the other in the Latin alphabet (References). The last list is included in the English block, which is located at the end of the article.

If the list contains the references to the foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the Reference list. When citing a Russian-language Journal, translated abroad, it is necessary to provide a full reference to the Russian-language version in the Russian-language version of the References, and to the international one - in the Reference list.

The list of sources in the Reference list should be written only in the Latin alphabet (while it should remain a complete analogue of the References, in which the sources are presented in the original language of the publication).

To write references to the Russian-language sources (and sources in other languages, which do not use the Roman alphabet), you should use the OFFICIAL TRANSLATION and TRANSLITERATION (see the Requirements for translation and transliteration).

The Reference list requires the following structure of the bibliographic references from the Russian-language sources: the authors (transliteration), translation of the title of the article or book into English, the title of the source (transliteration - for those publications, which do not have an English title, established by the editors), the imprint in the digital format, the indication of the article language in brackets (in Russian or in Kazakh). The transliteration can be done at

The conditional abbreviations of the names of the Russian-language Journals and reference books are provided in accordance with the abbreviations, adopted in the Abstract Journal of Chemistry, of the English-language and other foreign Journals - in accordance with the abbreviations, recommended by the “Springer and Business Media” publishing house: For the articles in the Russian and Kazakh languages, the name of the “Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan” should be abbreviated: Хим. Журн. Каз.” and Ќаз. Хим. Журн.” respectively, and for articles in English: “Chem. J. Kaz.” The surnames and initials of all authors should be provided (the abbreviations etc. and et al are not allowed).

In the Reference list, all works are listed IN THE ORDER OF CITATION, NOT alphabetically.

DOI. In all cases where the cited material has a digital identifier, it should be indicated at the very end of the source description. The availability of doi may be checked at the source at or

To form a Reference list (of all references without exception), a bibliographic standard without using the delimiter “//” is adopted in the Journal:

Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. The title of the article. The title of the Journal, 2005, 10, No. 2, 49-53.

For the Kazakh or Russian language source:

Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. The title of the article. The title of the Journal, 2005, 10, No. 2, 49–53 (in Kazakh or in Russian).

The examples of drawing up various types of documents, which the authors should follow when compiling a References list in Latin characters are provided below.

Description of an article from the Journals:

Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timinov A.V., Kardymov D.V. Technical and economical optimization of hydrofracturing design. Neftyanoye khozyaistvo. Oil Industry, 2008, No. 11, 54‒57. (In Russian).

Description of an article with DOI:

Zhang Z., Zhu D. Experimental Research on the localized electrochemical micromachining. Rus. J. Electrochem.2008, 44, No. 8, 926–930. doi: 10.1134/S1023193508080077.

Description of an Internet resource:

Kondrat’ev V.B. Global’naya farmatsevticheskaya promyshlennost’ [The global pharmaceutical industry].     Available at: (Accessed June 23, 2013).


APA Style (2011). Available at: (accessed February 5, 2011).


Pravila Tsitirovaniya Istochnikov (the Rules for Citing the Sources) Available at: (Accessed February 7, 2011).


Description of an article from the electronic Journal:

Swaminatan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Pao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 1999, 5, No. 2. Available at: April 24, 2011).

Description of an article from the continued edition (collection of works)

Astakhov M.V., Tagantsev T.V. Eksperimental’noe issledovanie prochnost soedinenii “stal’- kompozit” [The experimental study of the strength of joints “steel-composite”]. Trudy MGTU
“Matematicheskoe modelirovanie slozhnykh tekhnicheskikh system” [Proc. Of the Bauman MSTU
“Mathematic Modeling of the Complex Technical Systems”], 2006, No. 593, 125‒130.

Description of the Conference proceedings:

Usmanov T.S., Gusmanov A.A., Mullagalin I.Z., Muhametshina R.Ju., Chervyakova A.N., Sveshnikov A.V. Features of the design of the field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resurso sberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol’zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” [Proc. 6th Int. Symp. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”]. Moscow, 2007, 267‒272. (In Russ.)

It is undesirable to leave one translated name of the conference (if there is no name of the conference, translated into English), since when someone tries to find these materials, it is identified with great difficulty.

Description of a book (monograph, collection):

Nenashev M.F. Poslednee pravitel’stvo SSSR [The last government of the USSR]. Moscow, Krom Publ., 1993, 221 p.

Description of a translated book:

Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. Vibration problems in engineering. 4thed. New York, Wiley, 1974.521 p. (Russ. ed.: Timoshenko S.P., Iang D.Kh., Uiver U. Kolebaniia v inzhenernom dele. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1985. 472 p.).

Brooking A., Jones P., Cox F. Expert systems. Principles and cases studies. Chapman and Hall, 1984. 231 p. (Russ. ed.: Bruking A., Dzhons P., Koks F. Ekspertnye sistemy. Printsipy raboty i primery. Moscow, Radioisviaz’ Publ., 1987. 224 p.).

Description of a thesis or thesis abstract:

Grigor’ev Yu. A. Razrabotka nauchnykh osnov proektirovaniia arkhitektury raspredelennykh sistem obrabotki dannykh. Diss. Dokt. Tekhn. Nauk [Development of scientific bases of architectural design of distributed data processing systems. Dr. tech. sci. diss.]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 1996. 243 p.

Description of a GOST:

GOST 8.596.5–2005. Metodikavypolneniia izmerenii. Izmerenie raskhoda I kolichestva zhidkostei I gazov s pomoshch’iu standartnykh suzhaiushchikh ustroistv [State Standard 8.586.5 – 2005. Method of measurement. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007. 10 p.


State Standard 8.586.5 – 2005. Method of measurement. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007. 10 p. (In Russian).


Description of a patent:

Patent RU 228590. Sposob orientirovaniia po krenu letatel’nogo apparata s opticheskoi golovkoi samonavedeniia [The way to orient on the roll of aircraft with optical homing head]., Palkin M.V., Ivanov N.M., Gusev B.B., Petrov R.H., 2006.


Checklist for the manuscript preparation and submission

  1. Make sure that the article fits the scope of the fundamental, applied and innovative research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology, and whether it is suitable for this Journal;
  2. Use the Microsoft Word template, available on the Journal's website, to prepare a manuscript with a citation box on the first page, which should be filled out in English;
  3. Review, whether the formal requirements for the registration are met, and whether the following points are complied with:

1) Does the number of printed pages of the article, typed in the required fonts, correspond to 8‒10 pages;

2) Does the number of words in the Abstract meet the requirement of more than 250 words;

3) Is the Abstract structured;

4) Is the structure of the article as follows: 1. Introduction; 2. Discussion of the results (or Experimental part); 3. Experimental part (or Discussion of results); 4. Conclusion; 5. whether there are lines of (a) funding, (b) acknowledgments, (c) conflicts of interest, (d) information about the authors;

5) Is there a Reference list, and is it correctly drawn up with the required abbreviations of the titles of journals; while taking into account that it is highly recommended that all references should be available in the Internet with a DOI indicator, or line access to the Internet;

6) Are there 2 Abstracts in the languages ​​other than the language of the main text of the article;

7) Is there information about the authors with the additional Abstracts in the language of the Abstract;

8) Is the “English block” in the articles in Russian or Kazakh correctly formatted, and are there information about the authors and a Reference list in English;

9) Look through the text of the article, whether the decimal part is separated from the integer by a dot, not a comma;

10) Whether the Figures are correctly designed with the font of symbols in English, which will be read when translating the article into a journal format.


The time period of reviewing and considering articles is from 4 to 6 months. The duration of the publication of the article, received by the editors, is (maximum)1 year.