

ion-exchange polymers, glycidyl methacrylate, copolymer, exchange capacity, elective course, competences


This article presents samples of laboratory work necessary for studying an elective course "ion-exchange polymers" of the chemistry of high molecular weight compounds. In the synthesis of materials with predefined structural - energy properties and the establishment of their laws an important place is occupied laboratory works. It is well known, one of the main tasks of a higher professional school is to train qualified specialists who possess theoretical and practical knowledge.The formation of the professional competence of a future specialist or researcher implies the need for a quality education that can successfully solve the problems of increasing the effectiveness of practical work, set a clear goal and achieve a result with the correct conduct of chemical experiments. This paper presents samples of laboratory work, which require to learn an elective course of "ion-exchange polymers" of the chemistry of high molecular weight compounds. The laboratory works were prepared by scientists of the laboratory of ion-exchange resins and membranes, which provides for the effectiveness of introducing them into the educational process necessary for the training of professional specialists.


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