
  • A.A. Shepetov Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • Ya.S. Zhigalyenok Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • S.T. Kokhmetova Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • A.K. Galeyeva Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • A.P. Kurbatov Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”


cathode, electrochemical substitution, langbeinite, sodium-ion batteries


The aim of this work is to obtain a double salt of sodium manganese (II) sulfate with the structure of langbainite through electrochemical polarization, for further use as a cathode material for sodium-ion batteries. The synthesized double potassium sulfate-manganese (II) sulfate of the langbeinite structure acted as the initial salt. The main task was to replace potassium with sodium without disturbing the structure of the crystal lattice. A material of high purity langbainite structure was synthesized, which is confirmed by the results of x-ray phase analysis. Scanning electron microscopy showed that several microns in size were present in the sample. It was found that potassium deintercalation to some extent occurs on the first polarization cycle, while the intercalation of sodium ions into the structure is complicated and occurs to a small extent in the working window of the potential. Thus, a potentially new way of developing a cathode material for sodium-ion batteries was considered.


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