molybdenum, electrochemical properties, dimethyl sulfoxide, shell, electrical conductivity, shell roughness, distance between adjacent defects.Abstract
Abstract. Molybdenum and its compounds are widely used in production and industry due to their
properties, such as mechanical strength, heat resistance, high electrical conductivity, high melting point
and electrochemical catalytic activity. Therefore, their processing is undoubtedly a very urgent problem.
One of the ways to solve this problem is associated with the use of aqueous-organic electrolyte solutions.
The purpose of the work: to determine the patterns of electrochemical dissolution of molybdenum in
aqueous solutions of dimethyl sulfoxide. Research methods. The work uses electrochemical (polarization
measurements, electrolysis), X-ray spectral, microphotographs, and mathematical analysis methods.
Results and discussion. Electrochemical dissolution of molybdenum in 0.25 M, 0.5 M, and 2 M LiCl
solutions in an aqueous solution of dimethyl sulfoxide at different potential transfer rates is considered.
The presence of water in electrolytes enhances the process of molybdenum transition into solution, the
appropriate concentration of 0.25 M LiCl water was 38 mol/L H2O. At these electrolyte concentrations,
the thickness of the film formed on the molybdenum surface was estimated, the distance between adjacent
defects, and the electrical conductivity of the film were determined. Concept. Electrochemical properties
of the molybdenum electrode in an aqueous solution of dimethyl sulfoxide do not obey the laws of
classical electrochemistry. Separation of molybdenum from the solid phase under such electrolytic
conditions will undoubtedly have great application, for example, in the processing of solid foundry waste
and the production of biosensors.