
  • A.B. Niazbekova WKATU named after Zhagir Khan


foam concrete, elemental composition, chemical composition, thermogram x-ray, building materials


In recent years, researchers in Kazakhstan have paid special attention to the development of technology for producing multi-component foam concrete. In order to establish effective production of wall composite materials in the regions, research is being conducted using local raw materials. To improve performance properties and bring them to the appropriate requirements, modifiers have been added to the product: diatomite, ash, and calcium chloride in various ratios. In order to obtain medium-density foam concrete, physical, chemical and chemical studies of the chemical and elemental compositions of local raw materials were carried out. Based on experimental data, results of x-ray phase and raster electron microscopes, and derivatographic analyses of modified products,the structure, composition, and mecha-nism of foam concrete formation were determined. Analysis of the elemental composition of the raw materials ' initial components (sand, cement, lime) has shown that they can be used in the production of foam concrete. The use of local raw materials leads to an increase in the total surface limit of the dispersed porous part of the new product and improves the characteristics of the foam modified product.


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