
  • A. H. ZHAKINA Institute of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • A. T. TAKIBAYEVA Karaganda State Technical University
  • S. A. Semenova Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • A. ALZHANKYZY Karaganda State Technical University
  • A.N. AKZHOLTAI Karaganda State Technical University


polycomplexes, sodium humate, humic acids, polymers, polyacrylamide, sorption, complexometric method


Studies of polymer complexes of humic acids with a synthetic polymer have broad prospects for directed modification of humic acids and for the creation of a new class of composite materials of various applications. As part of the creation of effective and environmentally friendly technologies for deep processing of coal mining waste and the production of new valuable import-substituting chemical products for multi-purpose purposes, studies have been conducted to obtain self-organizing humic polymers and their complexes with a synthetic polymer. The raw material for the production of sodium humate was oxidized coals of the Shubarkol Deposit with a content of humic acids up to 60-80%, isolated by alkaline extraction. As a synthetic polymer, polyacrylamide with a high molecular weight of 5.0⋅105, with a degree of hydrolysis of 10%, a content of carboxyl groups – 1.4 mg-eq/g and a characteristic viscosity – 6.2 was used. By the method of mixing solutions, polymer complexes of sodium humate with polyacrylamide were obtained and characterized. Their acid and sorption properties by copper ions were studied. The analysis of metal ions was carried out by the complexometric


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