

phosphorus-containing fertilizers, zinc, monocalcium phosphate, phytoconditions, X-ray phase analysis, phytopreparations


In this article the results of synthesis of monocalcium phosphate with a zinc phytocompound are considered. By studying the chemical interaction of monocalcium phosphate with a zinc phytocompound, studying their physicochemical and commercial properties, the optimal compositions of phosphorus fertilizers based on monocalcium phosphate with a zinc phytocompound have been determined.

Considering the importance of phosphorus for the formation of plant tissue in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops, the main attention is paid to the assi-milation of phosphorus compounds by plants, which is of paramount importance. It is well known, that one of the main disadvantages of phosphorus fertilizers used in crop production is the low utilization rate of nutritive phosphorus pentoxide, which does not exceed 20-22%. The fact of the low utilization rate of nutritious phosphorus pentoxide in fertilizers is associated with its retrogradation in the soil with the formation of compounds not assimilated by plants.

Agrochemical studies have established that phytocompounds increase the utilization rate of phosphorus-containing fertilizers.


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2021-03-02 — Updated on 2021-03-02