vanadylporphyrin complexes, viscous oil, vanadium, nickel porphyrins, extraction extraction, metalloporphyrins, structure of porphyrinsAbstract
Oil vanadylporphyrin complexes were obtained by extraction in the presence of N-N-dimethylformamide. In the chromatographic separation of vanadylporphyrin complexes, four main fractions were obtained from the oils of the oil field “North Buzachi” , where all types of known oil porphyrin structures were identified, dominated by deoxophylloerythroethioporphyrin – types with two absorption maxima of 534 Nm and 573 nm. It was found that the total concentration of vanadylporphyrin complexes registered in the absorption zone of 534 nm and 573 nm is 11 times higher than the concentration of nickelporphyrin complexes characteristic of the absorption zone of 550 nm. The ratio of vanadylporphirins of the etio - and deoxo-phylloerythroethioporphyrin (DPEP) type was 0.11. The results of the research allow us to conclude that the oil of the “North Buzachi” oil and gas district is a promising raw material for obtaining vanadylporphyrin complexes.
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