
  • Т. K. Jumadilov A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • R. G. Kondaurov A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • H. Himersen A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • A. M. Imangazy A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences


intergel system, Er3 ions, hydrogels, polymethacrylic acid, poly-4-vinylpyridine


The phenomenon of sorption erbium ions by intergel system of polymethacrylic acid hydrogel (PMAA) and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogel(P4VP) was studied. It was established that the structure of the basic hydrogel has a significant influence on the self-organization of the PMAA hydrogels. The erbium ions extraction rateof individual hydrogels PMAA and P4VP was 42% and 16%, respectively. At ratios 5:1 (83% of gPMAA-17% gP4VP) and 4:2 (67% gMPAA-33% gP4VP), erbium ions were recovered up to 54% in both cases. The polymer PMAA and P4VP hydrogels have relatively low values of the polymer chain binding degree (0.54% and 0.20%, respectively). The obtained results indicate the possibility of creating selective intergel systems for separation erbium ions.


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