
  • T. K. Jumadilov A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • R. G. Kondaurov A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences


intergel system, self-organization, sorption, Ce3 ions, hydrogels, polyacrylic acid, poly-4-vinylpyridine, poly-2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine


Sorption process of cerium ions by intergel systems hydrogel of polyacrylic acid (hPAA) – hydrogel of poly-4-vinylpyridine (hP4VP) and hydrogel of polyacrylic acid (hPAA) – hydrogel of poly-2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine (hP2M5VP) is studied. Found that self-organization of PAA hydrogels is in significant influence from structure of basic hydrogel. Absence of bulky methyl substituent in the structure of hP4VP provides faster ionization of the hydrogels in intergel system hPAA-hP4VP in comparison with system hPAA-hP2M5VP. Extraction degree of cerium ions of individual hydrogels of PAA, P4VP and P2M5VP is 63.33%, 56.67% and 50.00% respectively. At 17%hPAA83%hP4VP and 33%hPAA-67%hP2M5VP ratios 92.33% and 90.67% cerium is extracted. PAA, P4VP, P2M5VP polymer hydrogels have not very high values of polymer chain binding degree (52.53%, 47.00% and 41.47% respectively). Maximum values of polymer chain binding degree in the intergel systems are observed at ratios: 17%hPAA-83%hP4VP (binding degree is 76.59%) and 33%hPAA-67%hP2M5VP (polymer chain binding degree is 75.21%).


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