
  • H. Avchukir Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • B. D. Burkitbayeva Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • A. M. Argimbayeva Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”
  • G. S. Rakhymbay Non-commercial joint-stock company “Al-Farabi Kazakh National university”


indium, electrodeposition, mass transfer, charge transfer, diffusion coefficient, quasi-reversibility, rate constant


Using the methods of cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, the electroreduction of indium on titanium, platinum and glassy carbon electrodes from perchlorate-containing chloride electrolytes has been studied. The quasi-reversible character of the process under investigation for all the above electrodes are established on the basis of the analysis of the difference in potentials of the peaks on the forward and reverse course of the sweep and the relationship between the current of the reduction peak and the rate of polarization. The overvoltage of indium release in the peak on Pt, GC, Ti electrodes was 158, 111, 64 mV, respectively. The constants of the rate of charge transfer and mass transfer of indium electrodeposition are calculated using the Delahay and Cottrell equations. A comparative analysis of the obtained constants showed that they had large values in the case of a titanium electrode and amounted to 1.0610-3 and 4.510-4 cm/s, respectively. The results obtained indicate the preferred use of titanium in the electrochemical purification of rough indium.


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