carthamus, polyphenol extracts, biologically active substancesAbstract
From the Carthamus plant leaf are extracted polyphenol extracts, composition and construction have been proven by methods of IR, UV spectral analysis. Ether extract is 3%, 360 nm wavelength ε = 4,070 Rutine, Ethyl Acetate Extract 3,2%, its wavelength 350 nm, ε = 4,268 Quercetin compound, 90% ethyl alcohol 2,92%, 365 nm Wavelength , ε = 4,359 in the zone of quercetin, and 70% in ethyl alcohol 3,64%, 331 nm wavelength, ε=4,359 in the zone of euclidein and the final 50% of ethyl alcohol in the extract was 2,79%, 329 nm, ε=4,614 according to the compound of the acid compound.
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