
  • Zh. M. Yergalyieva Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • G. E. Azimbaeva Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


carthamus, polyphenol extracts, biologically active substances


From the Carthamus plant leaf are extracted polyphenol extracts, composition and construction have been proven by methods of IR, UV spectral analysis. Ether extract is 3%, 360 nm wavelength ε = 4,070 Rutine, Ethyl Acetate Extract 3,2%, its wavelength 350 nm, ε = 4,268 Quercetin compound, 90% ethyl alcohol 2,92%, 365 nm Wavelength , ε = 4,359 in the zone of quercetin, and 70% in ethyl alcohol 3,64%, 331 nm wavelength, ε=4,359 in the zone of euclidein and the final 50% of ethyl alcohol in the extract was 2,79%, 329 nm, ε=4,614 according to the compound of the acid compound.


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