
  • E. E. Ergozhin АО «Институт химических наук им. А.Б. Бектурова», Алматы, Республика Казахстан
  • N. A. Bektenov
  • K. M. Kalmuratova
  • K. A. Sadykov
  • G. E. Abdralieva
  • Zh. N. Kainarbaeva


chelating resins, chelate, chelating sorbents, copolymerization, ion exchange sorbent


The possibilities of obtaining new chelating (complexing) ion exchangers based on copolymers of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), methyl methacrylate (MMA), tripropylene glycol diacrylate (TPGDA), and oxyethylenediphosphonic acid complexone (OEDP) were studied. The optimal synthesis conditions and studied the physicochemical properties of the resin.To assess the acid-base properties of the synthesized polyelectrolytes, potentiometric studies were carried out, it was determined that the new ion exchangers have a medium acid character, and also belong to polyfunctional ion exchangers. The structure of the synthe-sized ion exchangers GMA-TPGDA-MMA: OEDP, GMA-MMA: OEDP was established by IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis.

Studied the influence of the ratio of the initial reacting components, temperature and duration of the process on the static exchange capacity of ion exchangers. It was found that an increase in the amount of oxyethylenediphosphonic acid in the initial mixture in the reaction mixture from 1.0 to 3.0 mass parts leads to an increase in the capacity from             4.3 mEq / g to 6.2 mEq / g according to GMA-TPGDA- MMA: HEDP, from 4.8 mEq / g to 6.6 mEq / g according to GMA-MMA: HEDP. The chemical stability of the ion exchan-gers showed that the obtained ion exchangers are quite inert to chemical reagents. The most stable was the cation exchanger based on the ternary copolymer GMA-TPGDA-MMA: HEDP with a mass ratio of 1: 3. The degree of loss of capacity of the ion exchanger, obtained on its basis, does not exceed 9% when treated with solutions of acids, alkalis, and under the action of oxidizing agents, SEC practically does not change.



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