

corrosion, corrosion inhibitor, compatibility, efficiency, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, corrosion rate


One of the biggest challenges in oil and gas production projects is dealing with the various types of corrosion to which certain parts of field equipment are exposed. Selecting the right corrosion inhibitor for the specific environment is extremely important. Choosing inhibitors for a particular location can be a difficult task because there are many factors to be considered. Understanding the corrosion problems that can arise is important in the oil and gas industry, and knowledge of which inhibitors to use to deal with general and localized corrosion will save time and money in the long run. This article presents the results of studies of various brands of domestic and foreign corrosion inhibitors for use in the Uzen field: physical and chemical characteristics (density, viscosity, freezing temperature, mass fraction of active substance, compatibility with field waters, amine number), efficiency of corrosion inhibitors in laboratory conditions and on a bench simulating field reservoir conditions, taking into account pressure, temperature, fluid flow rate, as well as aggressive components - hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. In addition, studies of corrosion inhibitors' effect on the process of preparation of production are also given. The works were carried out in the center of scientific and laboratory research of KMG Engineering branch " KazNIPImunaygas" LLP.


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2021-04-17 — Updated on 2021-04-17