
  • Zh. E. Jakupova L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Zh. K. Zhatkanbayeva L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • S. M. Berdenov L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University


oil, high viscous oil, field, produced water, oil displacement, polymer


Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies were identified indicators of density, depth of occurrence and sulfur content of Kazakh oils. A search for effective ways of generating hard-to-recover fields, which are unique by its area, the capacity of productive stratum, reserves density, the behaviour of saturating fluids and etc. The physical and chemical natures of oils, of formation water and oil-water system from the Kumsay and Kokzhide fields were investigated. It has been established that oils of researched fields are highly viscous, paraffinic and contain a significant amount of surfactants such as tars, asphaltenes and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds which have an influence on formation interfacial oil layer's composition and the patterns of distribution in the pore space. High viscosity as a factor of flow affects the oil's mobility and the possibility of pumping in fluids, so oil recovery from such fields is difficult, production becomes more complicated. The analysis of oil to determine the amount of water in its composition by the Dean-Stark method and mineralogical analysis of formation water were carried out. The high water content with the dissolved chloride salts as a disperse phase also strengthens the resistance of displacement and phase distribution of liquids.


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