
  • Zh. K. Kairbekov SSE Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials
  • I. M. Jeldybayeva SSE Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials
  • K. O. Kishibaev Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • D. Z. Abilmazhinova Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • ZH. A. Baimolda Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


sulfide silt muds, peloid, humic substances, fulvic acids, hymatomelanic acids, method for producing, Saki deposit


In this paper is describes a method of producing humic substances from Saki low-mineralized sulfide silt mud. It is shown that the yield of humic substances from therapeutic muds using this method reaches 6-6.5%. Also the initial peloid and humic substances isolated from it were investigated by IR spectroscopic analysis. The nature of the functional groups of substances were determined by the number and position of the peaks in the IR absorption spectra. The suggested method of producing humic products from low-mineralized sulfide silt muds (peloids) makes it possible to obtain purified, therapeutically highly effective, ecologically-economically advantageous products for physical therapy in the conditions of resorts.


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