
  • U. Zh. Zhusipbekov A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • G. O. Nurgalieva A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • Z. K. Bayakhmetova A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • A. K. Shakirova A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • D. Duisenbai A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences


pollution, heavy metals, modified humate, chromium and manganese ions, complexation, carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl groups


In this research was studied regularities of the influence of chromium and manganese ions concentrations (0.005-0.5%), norms of modified humate (0.1-1.0 g) and time (15-120 min) on the interaction of modified humate with chromium (III) chloride and acetate manganese (II). It is shown that an increase in the concentrations of chromium and manganese ions to 0.5%, the rate of humate to 1.0 g and time to 60-90 minutes contributes to an increase in the yield of humic substances to 36.49 and 43.07%, the mass fraction of chromium and manganese to 4.31 and 5.40% respectively. The complex of chemical and physicochemical studies (IRS, DTA, REM) determined the composition and properties of the obtained products and was established the formation of complex compounds of modified humate with chromium and manganese ions. It was revealed that in complex formation reactions are involved both carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyls groups, which belong to the same macromolecule or to different macromolecules. Thermal analysis data showed that the introduction of chromium and manganese in the structure of a modified humate leads to the formation of thermally more stable products.


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