
  • U. Zh. Dzhusipbekov A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • G. O. Nurgalieva A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • Z. K. Bayakhmetova A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • A. K. Shakirova A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences
  • J. A. Oryntaeva A.B. Bekturov Institute of chemical sciences


oil, gasoline, oil products, oil-contaminated soil, modified humic acids, sorption, degree of purification


On model systems “soil-oil” and “soil-gasoline” were investigated the regularities of influence of various factors on the process of sorption of oil and oil products from the soil by modified humic acids (drugs of MGCC and MAGK).The dependence of purification degree of soil with drugs of MGCC and MAGK on the concentration of oil and gasoline (5-25%), temperature (20-80 °C) and time (5-90 min) were established. In the research carried out the optimum conditions for the cleaning process of soil from oil and oil products with modified humic acids were determined. It was revealed that the main amount of oil and oil products is absorbed for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 20-30 °C. At the same time, the purification degree of soil from oil reached 99.80%, from gasoline - 100.0%. Chemical and physico-chemical studies have shown that during the sorption of oil and oil products from the soil with modified humic acids occurs process of oxidation and hydrocarbons degradation and the binding of heavy metal ions into complexes with humic acids. The formation of complex compounds transformed them into a safe and inaccessible form, which reduces the risk of environmental pollution.


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