Karatau phosphate, ammonium nitrate, ferrum phyto-compounds, soil microorganismsAbstract
This paper investigated acid-free synthesis and the study of the microbiological characteristics of the fertilizer compositions basis on phosphate rock of the Karatau fields Kok-Djon (P2O5 – 28%), ammonium nitrate and ferrum phyto-compounds. It is established that at the mass ratio N : P2O5 equal to 1:0,7; 1:0,5; 1:0,3, temperature 25 °C, 50 °C, equilibrium with the formation of digestible forms of P2O5 at 70.4-79.9% and 74.6-81.2% occurs within 3 hours and 2.5 hours, respectively. Fertilizer compositions contain nitrogen from 25.7-22.3 mass.% and phosphorus pentoxide – 16,1-7,5 mass.%. Microbiological studies on model soil samples showed that the fertilizer composition containing the phytocomposition of iron of plant extract Juniperus-0.5% increases the number of free-living, phosphatmobilizing and mineralizing plant residues of bacteria by 1.5-3.2 times, reduce the number of oligotrophs and denitrifiers decomposing humus and nitrate nitrogen of the soil – 0.9-1.6 times.
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