
  • G. K. Burkeyeva Karaganda University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov
  • A. A. Taiken Karaganda University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov


polyethylene glycol fumarate, methacrylic acid, polycondensation, copolymer, hydrogel, unsaturated polyester resin, radical copolymerization


The effect of the ionic strength of a solution and organic solvents on the degree of swelling of the synthesized copolymers was study. According to the research results, it can be concluded that the susceptibility of polymer gels to the presence of low molecular weight salts (NaCl and CaCl2), organic solvents (DMSO, DMF, ethanol) is significantly affected by the ratio of monomer units in the copolymer, as well as the concentration of low molecular weight components in the solution. With a decrease in the proportion of methacrylic acid in the copolymer, the sensitivity of gels to the addition of low molecular weight salts and organic solvents decreases. This is due to both an increase in the content of carboxyl groups in the macrochain and a decrease in the density of the polymer network. The observed effect of ionic strength confirms the contribution of both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in the process of swelling-collapse of the samples under study. It was shown that by changing the nature of the comonomer, it is possible to obtain hydrogels capable of swelling or collapsing with a change in ionic strength, thermodynamic quality of the solution, and by varying the ratio of comonomer units, it is possible to regulate the swelling and compression intervals of polymer networks. It also follows from the results of X-ray energy dispersive microanalysis that the studied polymer systems based on p-EGF - MAA copolymers can be in demand as sorbents in purification and concentration technologies.


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