
  • G. K. Burkeyeva Karaganda University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov
  • A. A. Taiken Karaganda University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov


terpolymerization, copolymerization, unsaturated polyester, polypropylene glycol maleate phthalate, acrylic acid, acrylamide


The possibility of synthesizing new multifunctional terpolymers based on polypro-pylene glycol maleate phthalate with acrylamide and acrylic acid was shown.In this work, we investigated the radical co- and terpolymerization of polypropylene glycol maleate phthalate with acrylamide and acrylic acid. In particular, the main regularities of the process of radical terpolymerization in dioxane at different molar ratios of reagents. The composition of the polymers was determined by the method of chromatography-mass spectroscopy. It is shown that the experimentally determined composition of terpolymers differs from that calculated taking into account the found binary copolymerization constants. The block length, transition probabilities, and Harwood block parameter of the terpolymers synthesized, which reflect information on the location of macroradicals in the chain, were calculated.The constants of radical terpolymerization for the studied systems, indicating the possibility of copolymers to form structures with a free distribution of units, were calculated using the Mayo-Lewis equation. The method of scanning electron microscopy was used to study the surface morphology of polymers and to evaluate the surface pore sizes. It was found from the images obtained that the surface of the test sample had a loose and heterogeneous structure, consisting of globules and pores of various shapes and sizes, with agglomerates of indefinite shape from 12 to 78 μm.


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