
  • A. B. Baeshov "D.V.Sokolskiy Institute of Fuel, Catalisys and Electrochemistry" JSC
  • B. E. Мyrzabekov "D.V.Sokolskiy Institute of Fuel, Catalisys and Electrochemistry" JSC


platinum, alternating current, titanium electrode, hydrochloric acid, electrochemistry, electrolysis


This article discusses the electrochemical properties of a platinum electrode by removing the potentiodynamic polarization curves in a solution of hydrochloric acid. The electrochemical properties of pairs of «platinum – titanium» electrodes under alternating current polarization of production frequency in various acid solutions (HCl, HCl+HNO3 and HCl+H3PO4) have also been studied. The effects of key parameters on the dissolution of the platinum electrode (the influence of the current density in the electrodes of titanium and platinum, acid concentration, temperature of solution, the ratio of the components of the electrolyte, duration of electrolysis). In acidic media (HCl, HCl + HNO3 и HCl + H3PO4), optimal conditions for dissolution of a polarized platinum electrode with a frequency of 50 Hz were created:. (іТі = 10 kA/m2, iPt = 1.5 kA/m2, [HCl] = 7-9M, t = 40 0C, τ = 0.5-1.0 h, and components 1: 0.5 (HCl : HNO3), 1: 1 (HNO3: HCl), 1: 0.5 (HCl: H3PO4), іТі = 10 kA/m2, τ = 0.25, t = 80 0C,). Under these favorable conditions, the current efficiency of dissolution of platinum in hydrochloric acid solution is 8.5%, respectively; 10.1%; 8.3%; 12.5% and 5% in mixed acid solutions; 1.46%; 19.5 and a dissolution rate of 266 g/m2⋅hour. Under optimal conditions, it is shown that the current melting yield of platinum is higher in comparison with the known methods.


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