triethanolamine, benzyl chloride, amino esters, erucic acid, alkylation, inhibitory activity, spectral analysis, xanthogen assayAbstract
Currently, a large number of synthesized corrosion inhibitors, which have high values of the protective effect, are known. However, the ever-increasing demands for their quality, availability and low cost determine the need for targeted improvement of existing and search for new inhibitors with high efficiency, easily obtained from affordable petrochemical raw materials and economical both from the point of view of their synthesis and use. Therefore, the synthesis of compounds on the basis of which effective corrosion inhibitors can be obtained is an important task. The aim of the study was the synthesis of a metal corrosion inhibitor based on triethanolamine, benzyl chloride and mustard oil, the determination of a quantitative assessment of metal corrosion and the effectiveness of the protective action of the inhibitor. We have synthesized a new corrosion inhibitor, determined the optimal conditions for the synthesis, determined the structure of the synthesized substance and studied the physical constants. The developed inhibitor due to its low toxicity, water solubility and high efficiency has good prospects for use in water supply systems, oil and gas and chemical industries. The resulting substance can be used as an inhibitor of acid corrosion of steel. An effective and cost-effective inhibitor of steel corrosion based on local raw materials, as well as waste and by-products of chemical production is the scientific novelty of this work.
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