unified additive method, thermodynamic functions, coal tar, cavitation, hydroconversion reactionAbstract
Separate isolated organic compounds with a known molecular structure as well as a unified additive method (UAM) have been used in order to calculate the thermodynamic functions of heat capacityСр(T), of enthalpy ΔH(T)and entropy S(T) and of Gibbs free energy ΔGf(T) for heavy raw materials. The datawere used thatachieved using elemental analysis and quantitative analysis of chromatography-mass spectrometryfor determining the thermodynamic functions of the process ofcoal tar cavitation of by UAM. The nature of the unified additive method is to consider the unit mass of a molecule or a complex molecular systems as the unit mass of individual structural fragments transferred from one system to another. Comparison of the results of calculations of thermodynamic functions obtained by UAM with reference data showed that they are well compatible, which, in turn, gives grounds for applying the unified additive method to complex systems.
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