Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan <p>"Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan" is registered by the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan (certificate of registration of mass media No. 3995-Zh dated June 25, 2003), by the ISSN International Center in Paris (registration number ISSN 1813-1107 dated 6 August 2005) and is included in the List of publications for the publication of the main results of scientific activity, recommended by the "Committee for Quality Assurance of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity" (Order N 844 of 12.29.2021).</p> <p>Founder - Order of the Red Banner of Labor A.B. Bekturov ". Founder and first editor-in-chief of the Journal - Academician of NAS RK E.E. ERGOZHIN, laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology, Honored Scientist, Honored Inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, General Director of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov" from 1988 to 2020.</p> <p>Currently, the Editor-in-chief of the Journal is the General Director of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov", Candidate of Chemical Sciences Kh.S. Tassibekov.</p> <p>The purpose of the "Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan" is to highlight and popularize scientific research, achievements, and the latest developments of scientists in various fields of chemistry. "Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan" was founded in 2003, issues four issues a year and publishes original scientific articles and reviews on current problems of chemistry and chemical technology in the following main sections: inorganic and organic chemistry; chemistry of monomers and high-molecular compounds, ion exchange and membrane technology; petrochemistry and petrochemical synthesis; chemistry of medicinal substances and physiologically active compounds; chemical ecology; chemistry of fertilizers and salts; physical chemistry.</p> A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences JSC en-US Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 1813-1107 Ti3C2/TiO2 COMPOSITE CATALYST FOR HYDROGEN EVOLUTION REACTION PRODUCED BY SELF-OXIDATION METHOD <p><strong>Abstract. </strong>Introduction. The layered material MXene (Ti3C2Tx) has a high specific surface area and<br />variable surface functional groups, which creates the possibility of its application in various directions.<br />One of them is the water electrolysis to produce ‘green’ hydrogen. However, in its pure form, MXene has<br />low catalytic activity for this process, so it is modified by varying both the functional groups and<br />additional active components. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has previously been used as an effective hydrogen<br />evolution reaction (HER) catalyst, both pure and in combination with MXene materials, showing<br />synergistic effects and increasing the HER performance. Moreover, TiO2 is formed by oxidation of<br />Ti3C2Tx on the surface of this material layers, which is a simple and affordable way to obtain a modified<br />catalyst. The purpose. To develop an efficient catalyst for HER based on MXene layered material and<br />titanium dioxide. Methodology. The MXene/TiO2 composite catalyst was prepared by controlled oxidation<br />of MXene suspension with air oxygen. The composition and structure of the synthesized catalyst samples<br />were confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy.<br />The catalytic activity of MXene/TiO2 was determined by linear voltammetry. Results and Discussion.<br />With increasing oxidation duration, an increase and then a decrease in the catalyst efficiency was first<br />observed. The optimum oxidation time was 48 hours, and the hydrogen evolution overpotential was - -301<br />mV at 10 mA/cm2<br />. Conclusion. The composite catalyst based on MXene/TiO2 obtained by the method of<br />oxygen-air oxidation has acceptable catalytic activity for the HER.</p> Margarita Ryabicheva Mazhyn Skakov Arman Miniyazov Gainiya Zhanbolatova Fyodor Malchik Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.01 SYNTHESIS AND BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITY OF NOVEL BISPIDINONE DERIVATIVES <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. The fact that no new anti-tuberculosis drugs have been launched on the<br />market in the last decades, as well as the fact that tuberculosis bacilli have special properties of sensitivity<br />with a change in living conditions in the human body, clarify the importance of the synthesis of new antituberculosis drugs. The experimental findings from this research enrich with the latest information on<br />modern chemistry of development and antibacterial activity of a promising class of chemical compounds -<br />bispidinone derivatives. The compound we have obtained has bactericidal activity and can become the<br />basis for the development of a new domestic safe drug. The aim of the work is to study the physicochemical and biological properties of novel bispidinone. Results and discussion. Bispidinone was<br />synthesized by Mannich condensation and further heated in an alcohol medium in the presence of<br />hydrochloride of hydroxylamine and pyridine and acylated to the corresponding oxime with a high yield<br />of 91.5%. The targeted O-benzoyloxime has been obtained with 72.2% by heating oxime. The βcyclodextrin complex of O-benzoyloxime (ТК-1) was screened for in vitro bactericidal properties.<br />Conclusion. The O-Benzoyloxime molecule (ТК-1) has proven to be a highly effective compound in<br />various experiments examining its bactericidal activity against strains of wild sensitive tuberculosis<br />mycobacteria. An acute toxicity study following a single subcutaneous injection in white-seeded mice<br />demonstrated that the new 3,7-substituted bispidinone (ТК-1) exhibited low toxicity when compared to<br />rifampicin, a standard anti-tuberculosis medication.</p> Aigul Malmakova Nurila Togyzbaeva Tynyshtyk Iskakova Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.02 CLATHRATE COMPLEXES OF HYDRAZONES OF 2- AND 4-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACIDS WITH CYCLODEXTRINS AND THEIR PROPERTIES <p><strong>Abstract. </strong>Goals and objectives. The paper presents the results of a study on the preparation of<br />water-soluble complexes of inclusions of 4- and 2-hydroxyhydrazides of benzoic acid and their<br />hydrazones with cyclodextrins (β-CD, γ-CD) in an aqueous alcohol solution. Methods. The complexation<br />of the obtained hydrazones with --, -, -cyclodextrins was studied in silico using molecular docking and<br />modeling methods. Results and discussion. All the investigated hydrazones demonstrated the best value of<br />binding affinity with β -cyclodextrin. The efficiency of binding of the studied hydrazones to cyclodectrins<br />is provided primarily by the correspondence of the geometric parameters of the "guest" and "host"<br />molecules, as well as the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The complexation of the studied c<br />γ-CD hydrazones proceeds with the participation of both internal protons of the cyclodextrin cavity and<br />those located on the outer surface of the conical cone to form mixed supramolecular complexes. The<br />spectral and thermochemical properties of the inclusion complexes were characterized using IR, 1H, and<br />13C NMR spectroscopy. Conclusion. The optimal conditions proposed in the work for the encapsulation of<br />hydrazone derivatives of benzoic acid can be used in the preparation of water-soluble forms of similar<br />compounds.</p> Serik Fazylov Oralgazy Nurkenov Irina Pustolaikina Akmaral Sarsenbekova Zhanarkul Satpayeva Ryszhan Bakirova Aleksandr Svidersky Anel Mendibayeva Bolatkul Ashirbekova Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.03 OBTAINING LIQUID MINERAL FERTILIZERS FROM PRE-PURIFIED EPA BY NATURAL ZEOLITE <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. Wide application of extraction phosphoric acid (EPA) is mainly associated<br />with obtaining mineral fertilizers from it. Currently, the main raw material for obtaining EPA is<br />phosphorites of the Kistas deposit. The aim of the work is to purify the plant extraction phosphoric acid<br />(EPA) and obtain liquid N-P-containing fertilizers from it. Results and discussion. The influence of zeolite<br />consumption, time and temperature on the process of acid purification from suspensions was studied.<br />Analysis of the obtained results showed that transparent EPA was obtained regardless of the zeolite rate,<br />duration and temperature of the process. Optimum conditions for the sorption process of EPA purification<br />with natural Shankanai zeolite were determined: S:L = 15:100, ToC – (25-30)oC, τ – 30 min., ensuring<br />complete absorption of suspensions and an increase in P2O5 in EPA by 2.2-2.4%. The process is<br />preferably carried out with a zeolite consumption of 15 g per 100 g of the purified solution. The effect of<br />time on the purification of EFA was studied at constant process factors: temperature - 22 °C and T:L =<br />1:15 with a process duration of 5 to 90 min. It was shown that in the range from 15 to 45 min, the P2O5<br />content in EFA increases by (1.59-2.37)% of the initial value. Optimum conditions for concentrating the<br />acid were established: temperature - 40 °C, time - 60 minutes, with the production of EFA with P2O5<br />(42.90%). Conclusion. For the first time, liquid NP fertilizer was obtained from purified and evaporated<br />phosphorite from Koksu field under conditions of ammonia ammoniation with the ratio N:P=(0.19-0.23):1<br />and the sum of nutrient components (N+P2O5) equal to (44.15-44.25)%. Optimum conditions for<br />obtaining liquid NP fertilizers were identified: T=25 oC, pH 3.34-3.64.</p> Sultanbaeva Geeta Raissa Chernyakova Raushan Kaiynbayeva Umirzak Jussipbekov Nazym Kozhabekova Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.04 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL POTENTIAL OF AMINOPHOSPHONATES BASED ON MORPHOLINOETHYLAMINE <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Morpholine derivatives play an important role in modern pharmaceutics due to their wide<br />spectrum of biological activity. In this regard, the aim of this study is to investigate the properties of new<br />synthesized aminophosphonates based on morpholinoethylamine, including the study of their biological<br />activity. Aminophosphonates were synthesized by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction, purified and<br />characterized using IR and NMR spectroscopy. Biological activity was studied in vitro and in vivo:<br />myelostimulating effect on laboratory rats and the effect on plant growth during the treatment of wheat<br />seeds were assessed. In addition, the possibility of obtaining ionic liquids based on these compounds was<br />assessed using quantum chemical calculations. One of the compounds increased platelet indices, which<br />may indicate its potential as a stimulator of thrombocytopoiesis. Two of the three compounds activated<br />plant growth, exceeding the control samples. Quantum chemical calculations confirmed the possibility of<br />obtaining ionic liquids, opening up prospects for further study. The obtained compounds can find<br />application in medicine (in particular, in stimulating thrombocytopoiesis) and agriculture (as plant growth<br />stimulants).</p> Assel Ten Anuar Dauletbakov Maxim Gubenko Belyankova Belyankova Sarah Bayazit Saniya Assylbekova Darya Zolotareva Valentina Yu Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.05 TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF RUBBER COMPOUNDS FOR HYDRAULIC SEALS (Part 1) <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. This study investigates the technological properties of rubber compounds<br />intended for the manufacture of water lock seals. The formulation is based on a rubber compound in<br />which PN-6SH oil was replaced with an organic component extracted from oil sludge provided by Petro<br />Kazakhstan Oil Products LLP. Additionally, the traditional filler (white carbon black) was replaced with<br />zeolite from the Chankanai deposit, which resulted in satisfactory technological properties. The aim of the<br />work was to study the properties of rubber compounds modified by the introduction of the organic part of<br />oil sludge and zeolite, as well as to determine the optimal dosages of these components to improve the<br />compound’s characteristics. Methodology. The rubber compound was modified by adding the organic part<br />of the oil sludge in an amount of 1.0–6.0 parts by weight. Zeolite was added in amounts of 3.0–20.0 parts<br />by weight per 100 parts by weight of rubber. Five samples of rubber compounds were prepared. The<br />technological properties of the mixtures were determined. Results and Discussion. It was established that<br />increasing the content of the plasticizer (up to 6.0 parts by weight) and filler (up to 20.0 parts by weight)<br />leads to an increase in the Mooney viscosity of the mixture. Optimal technological indicators were<br />observed at a dosage of 6.0 parts by weight of the organic part of the oil sludge and 20.0 parts by weight<br />of zeolite. The tests demonstrated that replacing traditional components with the proposed modifications<br />ensures that the properties of the rubber compounds meet the control standards for water lock seals.<br />Conclusion. The use of the organic part of oil sludge and zeolite in the formulation of rubber compounds<br />allows the replacement of traditional plasticizers and fillers without compromising the properties of the<br />mixtures intended for hydraulic seals, as confirmed by compliance with control standards.</p> Ersin Tusupkaliev Bibi-Mariyam Khassankhojayeva Guzaliya Sagitova Abdujalol Sidikov Aigul Kydyraliyeva Aizada Sarsenbayeva Zhaniya Kainarbayeva Mizambek Baiymbetov Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.06 SYNTHESIS AND STUDY OF PROPERTIES OF POLYMER IMPRINTED ON LEAD IONS <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. With the development of modern technologies, there is a growing interest<br />of researchers in the synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Due to their unique properties<br />and ability to molecular recognition, MIPs find increasingly wider areas of application. Recently, humic<br />acids (HA) have attracted increasing attention in the development of polymeric materials due to their<br />availability and prospects from both a scientific and practical point of view. The aim of the work was to<br />chemically synthesize lead-imprinted polymer (PbIP) and non-imprinted polymer (NIP) based on humic<br />acids, capable of molecular recognition of lead, to obtain physicochemical characteristics, study sorption<br />properties and evaluate their application as a sorption material. The methodology of the work includes the<br />synthesis of PbIP and NIP, determination of their composition using the methods of elemental analysis,<br />IR-spectroscopy, conductometry, scanning electron microscope and determination of the adsorption<br />capacity of PbIP and NIP using an atomic emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma. The<br />results showed that PbIP has a higher sorption capacity for Pb2+ ions than NIP. The degree of extraction of<br />Pb2+ ions for PbIP was 71%, while for NIP it was 55%. This indicates that PbIP shows good<br />characteristics due to the selective active centers formed in the process of molecular imprinting and<br />confirms the prospects of its use. Conclusion. The obtained PbIP demonstrated high sorption capacity for<br />lead compared to NIP and can be recommended as a selective sorption material.</p> Alma Zhakina Oxana Arnt Yevgeniy Vassilets Almat Zhakin Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.07 STUDY OF THE ELEMENTAL AND MATERIAL COMPOSITION OF KARATAU PHOSPHORITES <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. Liquid mineral fertilizers are highly effective, cost-effective complex<br />fertilizers intended for application to various agricultural crops and virtually any soil. Recently, the main<br />raw material for obtaining EPA is phosphorites of the Karatau deposit (m.) Kistas. The aim of the work is<br />to study the elemental and material compositions of phosphorus flour (4 samples) from phosphorites of<br />the Kistas deposit (Karatau) and conduct their comparative analysis. Results and discussion. Results and<br />discussion. A system analysis of phosphorites from the Kistas deposit was carried out using modern<br />physicochemical (RFlA, semi-quantitative RFlA, AES, IR) and chemical methods (four samples). The<br />results showed that the phosphorus meal of one deposit is characterized by a variable composition.<br />Chemical analysis, AES, and the gravimetric method of phosphorus meal confirmed the data of X-ray<br />fluorescence analysis. The studied phosphorus meal samples are represented by phosphate, carbonate,<br />aluminosilicate, and silicate components. Conclusion. Physicochemical studies of the composition and<br />structure of phosphorus meal from the Kistas deposit showed that the phosphorus meal of one deposit is<br />characterized by a variable composition. Phosphorite meal contains from 18 to 22 elements, the main<br />phases are: Sr-containing fluorapatite, Fe-containing fluorapatite, quartz, iron-containing akermanite<br />(variety), sodium sulfate, jadeite, calcite. The obtained data will allow for a deeper decomposition of<br />Koksu phosphate flour to produce EPA.</p> Raushan Kaiynbaeva Gita Sultanbayeva Raissa Chernyakova Umirzak Jussipbekov Nazym Kozhabekova Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.08 A NEW LOOK AT THE STRUCTURE OF THE PERIODIC TABLE OF D.I. MENDELEEV <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The article considers the main contradiction identified in the Periodic Table of Mendeleev: the discrepancy between the results of the calculation according to the already known formula and the internal structure of the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev, that is, the maximum number of electrons calculated according to the known formula does not correspond to the number of elements in the corresponding period. An alternative approach to constructing periods of Mendeleev's Periodic Table is proposed. The new structure of periods of the Mendeleev table will not be complete without its accompanying question, which does not find a solution, in particular, it is necessary to look for an equation that allows you to calculate the total number of electrons in the outer electronic shells of atoms in periods. The article presents a new equation and the arguments for its derivation. In order to explain the existence of completely identical periods in the Mendeleev table, it is proposed to introduce a new quantum number for the purpose of their theoretical description, which will be in addition to the four existing quantum numbers. It is proposed to designate the new quantum number as the "first" and "second" quantum states corresponding to the periods of the second, fourth, sixth and third, fifth, seventh old Mendeleev table.The new formula, first proposed for the outer electronic shells of atoms of chemical elements and quantum states, makes it possible to systematize the understanding of the order in which the electronic levels in the atoms of the elements are filled. The materials presented in the article confirm this. The following description of the order of formation of electronic shells is proposed: first the main quantum number (n), then the newly proposed quantum states ("first" and "second"), which, in turn, form the electronic configurations of the sub-periods in the periods, and then the remaining quantum orbitals (s, p, d and f).</p> Assem Uzakova Nurzhan Chinibayeva Marzhan Ahtaeva Dina Karazhanova Nurbanu Sarova Nurlan Akhmetov Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.09 FEATURES OF GOLD ION EXTRACTION BY THE INTERPOLYMER SYSTEM KU-2-8 AND POLY-4-VINYLPYRIDINA <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. The demand for effective methods of extracting valuable components from<br />waste solutions is increasing every year [1]. For example, the extraction of Au (III) from complex sources<br />is associated with significant difficulties. In our study, we used interpolymer systems based on ion<br />exchange resins KU-2-8 and poly-4-vinylpyridine, obtained from solutions containing gold ions. The<br />purpose. Of the work is to study the sorption properties of industrial ion exchange resins KU-2-8 and<br />P4VP with respect to gold ions. The obtained results. In the interpolymer systems KU-2-8- P4VP in the<br />ratio of 5:1 after 48 hours, a decrease in the concentration of cations remaining in the solution is observed<br />from 130 mg/l to 99 mg/l. The optimal amount of sorbed gold ions was recorded at the ion exchanger ratio<br />of 2:4 and amounted to 45%. The maximum sorption values were maintained at the ratio of 5:1<br />throughout the entire interaction time (0.5; 1.5; 6; 24 and 48 hours). High values of the parameter were<br />observed at the initial stage of the interaction of the interpolymer systems at 1.5 hours, the degree of<br />sorption amounted to 135 mg/l, respectively. As a result of the interaction of polymers at ratios of 2:4 and<br />1:5, the degree of sorption increased several times. The degree of sorption after 48 hours of interaction at<br />a ratio of 1:5 reached 41.57%. In the individual anion exchanger P4VP (0:6) it increased by 44.22%. The<br />degree of sorption was 13.2% higher compared to individual interpolymer systems. The proposed<br />mechanism of interaction of ion-exchange resins in an aqueous medium as an interpolymer system "KU2-8- P4VP" (X:Y) was confirmed by Pearson's theory of hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB).<br />Conclusion. The obtained results of the study showed that the activation of ion-exchange resins in the<br />interpolymer pair leads to a significant increase in their sorption capacity. At the initial stage of<br />interaction, it was proven that the concentration of gold ions remaining in the solution was higher<br />compared to other ions. The processes of interaction of the interpolymer system KU-2-8-P4VP with gold<br />ions had different values depending on time.</p> Gulnur Dyussembayeva Talkybek Jumadilov Zhazira Mukatayeva Juozas Vidas Gražulevicius Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.10 ANALYSIS OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF PLANTS OF THE GENUS CLIMACOPTERA BRACHIATA <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Climacoptera brachiata is an annual species of halophytes with great potential for use in<br />urban landscapes. Extracts of Climacoptera brachiata have been used in traditional medicine for many<br />years due to their antifungal, antibacterial activity due to various biologically active compounds. It is<br />known that the leaves contain triterpenoids, and the flowers contain phenolic compounds.The authors<br />proposed a scheme for the analysis of water-alcohol extracts of Climacoptera brachiata. In addition,<br />extracts were screened and determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. For the simultaneous<br />analysis of phenolic compounds, a fast and sensitive method for the determination of natural compounds<br />using high-performance reverse phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) in combination with a diode<br />matrix detector (DAD) has been developed. Gradient elution systems of 0.1% acetic acid and methanol<br />were linearly used, the analysis time was 57 minutes. The method was confirmed by linearity, relative<br />error, reproducibility, and LOD values. The detection of compounds was carried out at 254 nm. The<br />developed method for the rapid determination of phenolic compounds using RP-HPLC was used to<br />determine the presence of phenolic compounds in natural and commercial products.</p> Aliya Kipchakbayeva Talshyn Berdesh Nursat Nygan Kaiyrzhan Bauyrzhanov Gaukhar Burasheva Balakyz Yeskaliyeva Mehmet Ozturk Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.11 STUDY OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE FORMATION OF COLLOIDAL SELENIUM SOLUTION <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. The antioxidant properties of selenium were discovered in the 1960s,<br />leading to its recognition as an essential microelement for the human and animal body. Its primary<br />function is to protect the body from oxidative stress. Research has shown that selenium nanoparticles<br />possess high biological activity and low toxicity, making them suitable for applications in medicine and<br />other fields. Methods. To obtain colloidal selenium solutions, sodium selenite, trivalent titanium sulfate,<br />and gelatin were used. Bidistilled water served as the dispersion medium. Experiments were conducted at<br />room temperature. The particle size distribution of the obtained colloidal solution was determined using<br />the dynamic light scattering (DLS) method. Microphotographs were obtained using a scanning electron<br />microscope. Results and Discussion. The results demonstrated that the reaction between sodium selenite<br />and trivalent titanium sulfate led to the formation of amorphous selenium particles. It was found that<br />adding gelatin significantly enhanced the stability of the colloidal solution. The average size of the<br />particles ranged from 50 to 79 nm. The addition of gelatin increased the stability of the solution from 2<br />hours to over 240 hours. The findings revealed that the particles in the obtained colloidal solution were<br />uniformly distributed, and the solution exhibited high stability. The proposed method is environmentally<br />safe, simple, and does not require complex equipment. This method has significant potential for<br />developing medical preparations, treating wounds, and creating solutions with antibacterial properties.<br />Conclusion. The study confirmed the efficiency and prospects of the technology for producing colloidal<br />selenium solutions. The novelty of this research is protected by a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan.</p> Madina Zhubanys Abduali Bayeshov Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.12 SEARCH FOR EFFECTIVE DRUGS AGAINST PATHOGENIC FLORA IN THE SERIES OF O-para-TOLUOYL-β-(MORPHOLIN-1-YL)PROPIOMIDOXIME AND 5-ARYL-3-β-(PIPERIDINE-1-YL)ETHYL-1,2,4-OXADIAZOLES DERIVATIVES <p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>Introduction.</em> In the context of the growing resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to traditional antibiotics, as well as the increase in the number of fungal infections, it is important to find new effective agents to combat these threats. <em>Objectives and tasks</em>. The work is devoted to the study of antimicrobial and antifungal activity of β-aminopropioamidoxime derivatives. <em>Methods.</em> In the chemical part of the work, two groups of compounds were obtained: O-<em>para</em>-toluoyl-β-(morpholin-1-yl)propioamidoxime base, hydrochloride, oxalate, citrate and 5-aryl-3-β-(piperidin-1-yl)ethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazoles (aryl: <em>para</em>-MeC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>, <em>para</em>-BrC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>, <em>meta</em>-ClC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>), described earlier. Using <em>in vitro</em> microbiological screening, β-aminopropioamidoxime derivatives were tested for antimicrobial (on gram-positive bacteria <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> and on gram-negative bacteria <em>Escherichia coli</em>, <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em>), as well as for antifungal activity against the yeast strain <em>Candida albicans</em> and mold fungi <em>Penicillium citrinum</em>, <em>Aspergillus niger</em>, <em>Torulla spp</em>. <em>Results.</em> The β-aminopropioamidoxime derivatives studied by the agar diffusion (well) method and the serial dilution method have pronounced antimicrobial activity. Using serial dilution method it was determined that O-<em>para</em>-toluoyl-β-(morpholin-1-yl)propioamidoxime oxalate, with lower toxicity than the reference drugs gentamicin and nystatin (LD<sub>50</sub>, mg/kg), exhibits equal antimicrobial activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> and antifungal activity against <em>Candida albicans</em>. <em>Conclusion.</em> Antimicrobial and antifungal properties were found in β-aminopropioamidoxime derivatives. O-<em>para</em>-toluoyl-β-(morpholin-1-yl)propioamidoxime oxalate was determined as a promising compound for the use in medicine and agriculture.</p> Lyudmila Kayukova Roza Seydakhmetova Aidana Duisenali Azamat Erlanuly Aruzhan Sartoyeva Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.13 STUDY OF THE COMPLEXATION OF COBALT (II) IONS WITH POLYMERS <p><strong>Abstract. </strong>Introduction. The complex formation of metal ions with polymers is of great interest for<br />the development of new materials used in catalytic processes, sorption, and electrochemistry. Particular<br />attention is given to cobalt (II), which can form complexes with nitrogen- and oxygen-containing<br />polymers such as polyacrylic acid (PAA), polyacrylamide (PAAm), chitosan (Chit), and poly-4-<br />vinylpyridine (P4VP). The aim of this study is to investigate the complexation processes of cobalt (II) ions<br />with the functional groups of these polymers, as well as to determine the stability and nature of the<br />resulting complexes. Results and Discussion. It has been established that the stability of polymer-metal<br />complexes is determined by the nature of the functional groups of the polymers and the interaction<br />mechanism. PAA-Co complexes demonstrated the highest stability due to the covalent binding of cobalt<br />ions with the carboxyl groups of PAA. At the same time, PAAm-Co and P4VP-Co complexes exhibited<br />lower stability, which is associated with a donor-acceptor interaction mechanism. The shift in the<br />characteristic absorption bands of the functional groups of the polymers upon their interaction with cobalt<br />ions indicates the formation of polymer-metal complexes with different binding mechanisms. For PAAm,<br />the shift in absorption bands confirmed the donor-acceptor interaction mechanism. Conclusion. The<br />obtained data confirm the interaction mechanism of cobalt ions with the functional groups of polymers, as<br />well as the different nature of binding. Thus, the results open up prospects for the use of polymer-metal<br />complexes in the creation of materials for catalytic applications.</p> Aigul Jumekeeva Eldar Talgatov Aiganym Ismailova Assemgul Auezkhanova Akzhol Naizabayev Arlan Abilmagzhanov Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.14 CHEMICAL ASPECTS OF BIOMOLECULE EXTRACTION FROM ZOPHOBAS MORIO LARVAE: LIPID AND PROTEIN EXTRACTION MECHANISMS AND SOLVENT EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Introduction. This study deals with the chemical aspects of biomolecule extraction from<br />Zophobas morio, including the influence of different solvents, lipid, and protein extraction mechanisms,<br />and comparative analysis of solvents on their efficiency and safety. The study aims to optimize the<br />extraction of lipids and proteins from Zophobas morio larvae, emphasizing the choice of solvents, protein<br />precipitation methods, and amino acid composition analysis. Results and discussion. Optimization of lipid<br />extraction conditions showed that the most effective extractants were petroleum ether, providing<br />maximum lipid yield (65.55%), and chloroform with ejection capacity (44.85%). Among the studied<br />methods of protein extraction and precipitation, precipitation at the isoelectric point after alkaline<br />extraction was the most effective, which gave a protein yield of 66.09% of the initial dry matter, much<br />higher than that of acetone precipitation after aqueous extraction (36.9%). Analysis of amino acid<br />composition of protein concentrate revealed the presence of 15 amino acids, 10 of which are essential.<br />The essential amino acid index was 1.81, which is significantly higher than traditional protein sources<br />such as fishmeal and soya, and comparable to casein. These results confirm the high purity and efficiency<br />of the isoelectric precipitation method applied for the first time to Zophobas morio, highlighting its<br />industrial potential. Conclusion. The study confirmed that the choice of solvent and precipitation method<br />significantly affects the efficiency of lipid extraction and protein precipitation from Zophobas morio, with<br />petroleum ether proving to be the most efficient extractant for lipids and precipitation at the isoelectric<br />point, the optimal method for protein extraction. The research results demonstrate the promising potential<br />of the methods used to obtain protein concentrate from Zophobas morio for the food and feed industry as<br />a sustainable and high-quality alternative to traditional protein sources.</p> Zhanna Zhatkanbayeva Kuanysh Kurtibay Yerlan Zhatkanbayev Alisher Kappassuly Riccardo Fedeli Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.15 CATALYSTS BASED ON POLYMER-CLAY COMPOSITES <p><strong>Abstract. </strong>Introduction. The history of polymer-clay composites dates back to the mid-20th century<br />when the addition of clay minerals such as montmorillonite to polymer matrices was found to significantly<br />enhance their mechanical and thermal properties. They are used in environmentally friendly processes,<br />redox reactions, and pollutant remediation. The introduction of nanotechnology has further advanced<br />these materials by enabling nanoscale dispersion of clay particles, increasing their surface area and<br />interaction with polymers. In recent years, research has focused on environmentally friendly materials,<br />particularly biopolymer matrices such as chitosan and starch. Objective of the study. This review aims to<br />analyze the latest developments in polymer-clay composite-based catalysts, highlighting key challenges<br />and identifying promising research directions. Results and Discussion. Polymer-clay composites provide<br />structural stability, improved mechanical strength, and high thermal resistance. The integration of clay<br />minerals such as montmorillonite or zeolites enhances adsorption capacity and ion-exchange properties,<br />making these materials highly effective in catalysis and environmental applications. Metal nanoparticles<br />(e.g., Pd, Ni, Cu), embedded in polymer-clay matrices, significantly boost catalytic activity, offering<br />efficient solutions for oxidation, reduction, and energy conversion reactions. However, challenges remain<br />in polymer degradation, catalyst deactivation, and scalability for industrial applications. Conclusions.<br />Advancements in hybrid polymer-clay composites with metal nanoparticles offer promising directions for<br />green chemistry and sustainable catalysis. Future research should focus on improving the stability,<br />scalability, and functionalization of these materials to enhance their practical applications in industrial and<br />environmental processes.</p> Zhaniya Kainarbayeva Saniya Saryuisin Zhanar Korganbayeva Eldar Talgatov Alima Zharmagambetova Copyright (c) 2025 Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan 2025-03-27 2025-03-27 1 10.51580/2025-1.2710-1185.16